When do you meet?
EWB-NOVA General Body Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7 pm EST on Google Meet. Join our mailing list to get invited to the next meeting!
What if I cannot attend meetings at the scheduled time?
Please email our chapter at ewbnova@gmail.com and let us know that you are interested in getting involved. A representative from our chapter will contact you to discuss the best way for you to contribute. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find out about our other events and fundraisers.
I am not a member, can I attend the meetings?
Of course! We welcome all to our meetings and support our projects :)
I am not an engineer. Can I still join?
Yes, absolutely! We are always looking for professionals with diverse expertise in things like event planning, website design, project management, community and college outreach, grant writing, translation, student mentorship and much more!
Do you collaborate with student chapters?
Yes, EWB-NOVA has a rich history of mentoring the student chapters across the US.
Do you accept donations?
Yes, you can donate online at any time at our Classy donation page. All donations are tax deductible.